Turn Right!

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21).


Have you ever made a wrong turn? I am quietly giggling right now as I remember travelling to Michigan (where Bob is from) with my brother and his wife.  We were all in our twenties, newly married and excited for an all-night road trip.  A big incentive for driving through the night was our breakfast plans.  There is a restaurant called Paul Bunyan’s Shanty in a little town called Wisconsin Dells and it’s just two miles off the highway.  Imagine with me homemade sugared donuts, fresh-fried potatoes, hot-pancakes, perfectly-crisp-not-too-crisp bacon all served on metal plates family style like a full-on feast.  Red and white checkered tablecloths all in a huge log cabin – I’m sure you get the picture!


Bob drove the night shift (he’s such a great night driver) and wanted to change it up a little and take the smaller highway.  The rest of us were all fast asleep, so you can imagine the shock when the sun came up, and he had turned left instead of right.  We had driven three hours out of the way.  Aaaaaaaand, that’s three hours back to the beaten path! We laughed it off, turned around and actually arrived at Paul Bunyan’s exactly when it opened in the morning.  It all worked out perfect!  If Bob had taken the “correct” route, we would have driven past all those hot homemade donuts at approximately 4 a.m.!  We would have missed the feast!


Let me encourage you.  Your Father in heaven has feasts planned for you.  All along the way, as you journey through life.  Even when you think you made a wrong turn, and wasted a bunch of time, and you want to beat yourself up…stop!  It could be that God has this amazing ability to redeem time and even make sure there’s a feast for you around the corner.  Let’s stop and celebrate the fact that He is God, and we are not.  We are human, and in our weakness we make wrong turns.  But our precious Father remains the faithful voice behind us saying “This is the way…let me gently lead you…you are hearing my voice more than you know…walk here”.


Today is my day to experience peace along the way.  I trust you God, that you will faithfully guide me and show me which way to turn.  Even in my “wrong turns” I thank you for the feasts that you have provided for me.  When we celebrate God's goodness, the result will be joy in our hearts. Nehemiah gave the Israelites some instructions on how to celebrate: "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength....Then all the people went away to

eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them."

(Nehemiah 8:10 & 12).


Enjoy your beautiful Miracle Monday!

Love in Jesus,



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