Pioneers: Taking Ground

“Wherever you set foot, that land will be yours. Your frontiers will stretch from the wilderness in the south to Lebanon in the north, and from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west” (Deuteronomy 11:24 NLT).


You didn’t ask to be born.  God had a great idea – it was you! He designed and created you, and then thought of the perfect time to place you on the earth.  It is no accident that you are living life in this generation as an earth-shaker and history-maker for such a time as this.


In the next few months we will see events take place that will change the world we live in for the next ten years.  You and I are prepared, anointed and ready to be forerunners for these next years and we will see the bridegroom of Christ for who He really is: adorned in beauty; endowed with power and passionately pursuing His bride!  We must give people courage to seek and believe that they can experience the depths of God’s presence and dare to believe Him for the power to change this generation!


The remainder of this next year, 2016 is your season to pioneer. Begin to develop and apply to your life the steps needed to see your passions become a reality. As you are reading this – receive it as a double-dare! Because extreme answers to prayer require extreme lifestyles for God.




Be persistent in the place of prayer while deepening your love relationship with God. You were created and even "born again" to be able to move the heart of God and get answers to prayer. I want to encourage you to be persistent enough that you are shaped (transformed) so that you can handle what He would release in your life.


My prayer is that your character would invoke His blessing, propelling you forward in His Kingdom advancement and not be a distraction to your life. God desires to bless you more than you want to be blessed - but He will not give you something that will cripple or distract you.





Through your God given personality, be innovative and even a little outrageous that people all around you would be drawn into a loving relationship with God while finding love and restoration in their personal relationships.  Instead of resisting the personality God has created you with – embrace your strengths, surrender your weaknesses and never-EVER use your personality to control others.  Your personality is a gift to the body of Christ – and most importantly to your family.  As you allow the Holy Spirit to tweak your personality you will become contagious – one who others naturally follow – and as a result you will leave a mark!




This year... if your plans won't move you, they won't move Him.  You must be willing to listen and obey. Pioneers are willing to go where they have never been before and do what they have never done before in order to obey God. Pioneers are willing to put up with what is less than ideal, because of what they see happening in the future, and pioneers are willing to fight for what they believe. As you experience personal victory – you will alter and change the atmosphere around you! As our marriage has been miraculously saved by God’s grace, others see what God has done and are given the opportunity to receive new options for their own lives.  As you take courage in the Lord, your persistence will develop character – and you will see the enemy defeated.




If we don’t have hope – we can’t do what we do! Remember that pioneers dream of a better life and always want to go further.  Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, BUT when dreams come true, there is LIFE and JOY.” This is actually a warning from the Lord!  We become vulnerable to spiritual sickness or disease when our desires are not met.  God wants us to live fulfilled lives.  When your dreams and desires are met in Him - you are satisfied. The second half of this verse declares God as the “God of the breakthrough”.



Always remember, pioneers never go alone.  They are either “sent” or they have people with them.


As you I am gaining ground in my personal, family and ministry life, today is my day to remember that I am not alone.  We are family together, exhilarated by our calling to this generation.  I am going to live God’s design for my life.  I will not shrink back and my frontiers will stretch to cover more territory than I even imagined.  Thank you God that I can put my faith in you!


We are praying for you this day!

Love in Jesus,


Audrey MeisnerComment